I know I'm in the inner circle but I want to know what you guys think about the stereotypes in the story. Faulkner references women, black people, and Yankees as specific stereotypes. Why is this?
Maddy-- In the story it said that the townspeople thought that he left to prepare a place for Miss Emily, who was supposedly going to be his new bride.
Christa- I think it was Homer Barron, because she had been buying him clothes and then the suit that she bought him was hanging up in the room they found him in.
Maddy--The villagers thought he left to wait for the cousins to leave so he could move in with her. They thought Emily and Barron were married. I don't think they actually were though.
Christa- I was confused about that as well. I think that it may have been that one guy that came into her house after she died and didn't come out again. I'm not sure who that was but that may have been the guy.
Josh i think that he was trying to make a point of different classes in the society. Emily was in a very "high class" as oppossed to other people. I dont think he had a very specific reason...maybe it was just the time period this story was written?
Kristen-- I noticed that too. And also in the beginning of the story Faulkner said something like, "only a woman could have believed this". Do you think that Faulkner was sexist and racist, or was it just the time period that he lived in?
I think she killed him because she was afraid of being abandoned again after her father died. I think she was just lonely and didn't know how to handle that since she had always been given everything she didn't know how to deal with things that went wrong.
I have a question. Other than the possibility that Emily was insane, why did Emily kill Homer and kept him in the basement? What is the author trying to tell us through the portrayal Emily?
Erin-- What guy are you talking about that went into her house and didn't come out? I thought that Homer Barron was the person who went in Miss Emily's house and never came out.
The "fallen monument" metaphor for Emily reminds me of the danger of clinging to tradition for tradition's sake instead of taking the risk that accompanies progress...much like the town in "The Lottery."
Maria- I think that she just finally died of old age. But what's interesting is that Emily seems so much like normal human beings. She just wanted to hang on to something forever. It's hard for people to let go... so... why do you think that is? Why do we not want to have things change? And, why is change normally seen as a negative thing?
I have another question-- Do you uys think that there is significance in the change in Emily's hair color? It seemed to me like the author really emphasized that her hair was changing to an iron color. What do you think?
That's a cool idea Christa, is it the townspeople that feel like her hair changing grey meant something bad, or is it supposed to be some sort of symbolism for something else?
christa-- I think that it's interesting that as we get older we loose all our color, not only in our hair but in our skin also. Emily died very pale... do you think that maybe that's representing our loss of innocence? Maybe, as we get older we become less naive..?
Ms. Kakos, that is a very good connection. I also think that the "fallen monument" signfies the end of a era. It is not necessarily bad, its just a new beginning. After Emily died, the towns people did not have anything to talk about too. That might seem like a bad thing for them, but i belive it was a good thing over all. I dont know who said this in the inner circle but emily was the scapegoat in the society.
The fact that she is the center of the gossip is true. Since Emily lived to be so old, the suspicions about her lifestyle were passed down through generations.
Jberry- I think people are afraid to let go because we need something to relate to in this world, to almost protect ourselves from our fears. Also, we need something familiar to relate to, so we can hold on to our sanity in a world full of insanity.
Jessica--I think it is saying that human nature is afraid of change. It's like instinct to want a normal cycle in life, and when something happens that doesn't fit in that cylce, it's a little uncomfortable. But something will always happen, you can't live an exact cycle.
Miss Emily also seemed very opposed to change. When her father died, she refused to believe that he was dead, and kept his body in the house until she was forced to have him buried. Could the author's emphasis on the change in her hair color symbolize how change comes upon us whether we want it or not, and we cannot do anything to stop time and keep things the way they are.
carly-- Why is change negative? Why do can't we embrase the new. Is it more of the unknown that we are afraid of? Or, do people just become so accustomed to how things are?
jberry- I think that we judge people because we are afraid to judge ourselves and find the truth. I don't think we will ever stop because fear drives people and controls people.
Christa--I think that what Kakos just said makes sense, that when you are hiding something inside, it will eventually come out. Like appearance vs. reality, the appearance can't be kept up forever, soon the reality will show through. What do you think is inside her? Is she insane?
maria- I understand that people want a normal life. But don't we as humans hate to be the same; don't alot of people want to create their own name for themselves. So, without change... that's not possible. Change is what allows people to be creative and to prosper and without it, we could be stuck back before there was laptops.. and we wouldn't have this live blogging today..hah
maria- I understand that people want a normal life. But don't we as humans hate to be the same; don't alot of people want to create their own name for themselves. So, without change... that's not possible. Change is what allows people to be creative and to prosper and without it, we could be stuck back before there was laptops.. and we wouldn't have this live blogging today..hah
Jessica, i know this question was asked to carley, but it got me really interested. I think we cannot embrace the new possiblities because people are very picky about the realities they accept. Once something gets engraved in your brain, it is very hard to change that.
Jess--I think it is more of that we have gotten so used to the way things are and we like the way that things are going that we get frightened when things start to change. It's like we are afraid that we won't like whatever is changing and will lose everything that we have created and have to start from new.
Christa- I think that is exactly the point that the story is trying to make. She tried to control the difficult change of becoming fatherless when her dad died, but the change of growing old was still unavoidable.
Josh- So, you're saying that we judge those who have characteristics close to ours? That we don't want to see the good in people... because it makes us seem alot worse. The basic rule of bullying... putting down others in order to make ourselves feel better.
This society is so afraid of chnage that they are willing to jucge the "goodness" of a person based on how they look. do you think we today judge how good people are by how they look?
Maria, What you just said about how hiding something inside will eventually come out reminds me of the Tell Tale Heart in that the guy felt so guilty that he killed the old man with the evil eye that he could no longer keep it a secret and he could hear the heartbeat.
On the subject of lighthouse face, i think she is looking for people to save her, like searching for driftwood when you are drowning. She was trying to save herself from insanity and herself.
sara! Then why do people commit crazy crimes and attrocities... why do we go to war? To make a point, to start change. I think that people just automatically put change into a bad category wihtout thinking about the possibilities of it.
To respond to Laura's question on the inner circle, I think yellow in this story is associated with age. White becomes yellowed with age, much as Emily's innocence becomes tainted by her unnatural relationships with men.
Going along with what they are talking about in the inner circle, is the yellow color really a color of protection? I remember in, The Village, the people would wear the yellow robes what they were guarding the village or when they went into the forest.
Erin- The taxes where put in places because of her dad but, I think wht they wanted her to pay them was a sign of the society's disapproval of her behavior, however; she refused to change.
Sweta- I have a question for you... what kind of person creates change? What's the difference between good change and bad change? What characteristics make a person not afraid of change?
Brynn, o god Yes. We are constantly judging people by their appeareace. Not only by that, but they way they talk, the music they listen to, the people they spend time with. So i belive that the society which emily lived in and the society we are living in today have not changed at all.
jberry- That’s exactly what i was thinking, but we judge people also completely different to raise our self up and makes us a "superior" human being? On the subject of bullying, did the village bully Emily or did Emily bully them?
kakos- I really like you're comment. It's interesting how people age like that. Do you think that it's almost as if the older you get the more you're exposed..? Wrinkles show from stress, you're skin loses its normality, you're hair turns grey..? The older a person is the more people know about them, the more chances they had to make a name for themselves.
That is also a good connection Maria. Do you think that this is a trend in gothic stories, in that you can't run away or hide your fears and secrets because it seems like everything that we have read so far all have hidden secrets.
Jess- I think there is no specific PERSON that creates a change. I think that change is created by a new thoguht, a new idea. A revelation. I think a good change is the one where it benefits the society in general. It follows moral rules and its ethnice. A bad change is the one where a majoriy of people try to oporess the minorities' view point. Like Hitler's trying to brain wash people about the Jews. I belive that the person who can embrace the change are the ones who don't necesssarily know how deep the change can affect them.
Jess-- That is a really good point about how age reveals who a person really is. I never thought of it that way. Do you think that Miss Emily was afraid of the exposure of herself that would occur with age? Is that why she stayed in the house?
To respond to Brynn's question, I think that Emily stays inside her house because, as we see in "Fall of the House of Usher," we sometimes allow ourselves to be encapsulated/entombed by our repressed fears. I sound like Freud.
Josh- Personally, I think that she got the brunt end of the deal,she was constantly the topic of discussion and she felt so vulnerable. But, she also made it a point not to change their minds. She kind of instigated their opinions and kept their insinuations going. Also, she was so different from everyone else in the village it kind of supported the theory that she wasn't afraid to be different. is that why we judge? Because we don't want to be different?
When you have a hard time with something today, you want to just stay at home, but Emily's town is so judgemental that if she did leave she would just get hurt more.
I agree with the hurt comment, but I also think that she was strong, even when the town was tearing her down with their gossip, she kept her head up; at least she did on the outside. Was she completely corrupt on the inside?
Do you guys think there is anything significant about the two cousins that they talk about all of the time? Or her great aunt who was crazy and the town thought that she and Emily were a lot alike?
Maddy--I think the black servant stayed out of duty to that family, even though it was probably really hard to live in that house. Because when he leaves, he leaves for good and never comes back, like he just wanted to be done.
Christa- Emily was always in the limelight. She was constantly the main topic of gossip and I think that she eventually became used to being vulnerable. I think that she just wanted keep away from all the gossip going on, to just let them talk. I think she gave up trying to prove herself to the village.
Jberry- Why should people change just because you are not conforming and you different from the norm? I think that gossip that makes the gossiper look foolish.
Josh- Maybe they just want to pay their respects through seeing if they are really dead or not. How is it a challange to fight, they don't need their things when they're 6 feet under.
I agree with you alot, I'm just wondering.. what is moral to one person could be normal to another. So, what is moral and what isn't? Do you think that that can ever be determined?
Jess- That is a question i think our society will struggle forver. Different cultures have different traditons and different values. It goes back to "beauty lies in the eye of beholder" i belive. But i think that thre is SOMETHING that is moral to all human being. Like not killing each other, respecting people.
carr_ley_b said... "Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative." I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
JoshB901 said... "jberry- I think that we judge people because we are afraid to judge ourselves and find the truth. I don't think we will ever stop because fear drives people and controls people." I think that this only partly true. We judge at first because it is instinct. We need to be able to assess a situation and act appropriately. Sometimes we do so unfairly, but it is just natural. I don’t think that we judge out of fear for the same reason that as what josh said, but we judge out of fear because we don’t know what it is like and so we make our own information about the person or object.
carr_ley_b said... "Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative." I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
carr_ley_b said... "Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative." I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
Quick question, what really happened in the end?
First off, what did you guys think of the story over all?
So...who do you think that the dead guy was? Was it Homer Barron her lover?
I thought that the story was very confusing. I was especially confused about the ending. What happened?
Why do you guys think Homer left for that one week?
Did Emily and that guy actually get married?
It very well could have been.
shauna in the ending, she kills her lover because she is a physco path.
But no one knew what really happened to the guy.
I think that the story was a little boring and confusing. It seemed the plot went no where but that’s just probably due to the temporal structure.
I know I'm in the inner circle but I want to know what you guys think about the stereotypes in the story. Faulkner references women, black people, and Yankees as specific stereotypes. Why is this?
How old was Emily when she died?
In the story it said that the townspeople thought that he left to prepare a place for Miss Emily, who was supposedly going to be his new bride.
To clarify the woman killed her husband and kept him in her basement to sleep with him. That's why there was such a terrible smell.
Christa- I think it was Homer Barron, because she had been buying him clothes and then the suit that she bought him was hanging up in the room they found him in.
Maddy--The villagers thought he left to wait for the cousins to leave so he could move in with her. They thought Emily and Barron were married. I don't think they actually were though.
Christa- I was confused about that as well. I think that it may have been that one guy that came into her house after she died and didn't come out again. I'm not sure who that was but that may have been the guy.
Josh i think that he was trying to make a point of different classes in the society.
Emily was in a very "high class" as oppossed to other people.
I dont think he had a very specific reason...maybe it was just the time period this story was written?
I noticed that too. And also in the beginning of the story Faulkner said something like, "only a woman could have believed this". Do you think that Faulkner was sexist and racist, or was it just the time period that he lived in?
I think she killed him because she was afraid of being abandoned again after her father died. I think she was just lonely and didn't know how to handle that since she had always been given everything she didn't know how to deal with things that went wrong.
Thanks Jessica, thats what I thought, it was just really disturbing.
How did she die? Was it because of her lifestyle?
I have a question. Other than the possibility that Emily was insane, why did Emily kill Homer and kept him in the basement? What is the author trying to tell us through the portrayal Emily?
Opps mistake, i meant Kristen, not josh.
I think that Faulkner stereotyped Yankees, black people, and women to prove that this is specific time period, but still could be related to today.
She kept the father as a memory.
What guy are you talking about that went into her house and didn't come out? I thought that Homer Barron was the person who went in Miss Emily's house and never came out.
The "fallen monument" metaphor for Emily reminds me of the danger of clinging to tradition for tradition's sake instead of taking the risk that accompanies progress...much like the town in "The Lottery."
I think that she just finally died of old age. But what's interesting is that Emily seems so much like normal human beings. She just wanted to hang on to something forever. It's hard for people to let go... so... why do you think that is? Why do we not want to have things change? And, why is change normally seen as a negative thing?
Wait was it the dads body or the lovers? AND WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT NECROPHILIA!!!EW.
Brynn Holstein- Good comment. But aren't we all afraid of being left alone in this word with no one to talk, or some one to love.
What does that say about human nature... the fact that we are always judging people..? Will we ever stop?
I have another question--
Do you uys think that there is significance in the change in Emily's hair color? It seemed to me like the author really emphasized that her hair was changing to an iron color. What do you think?
Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative.
That's a cool idea Christa, is it the townspeople that feel like her hair changing grey meant something bad, or is it supposed to be some sort of symbolism for something else?
I think that it's interesting that as we get older we loose all our color, not only in our hair but in our skin also. Emily died very pale... do you think that maybe that's representing our loss of innocence? Maybe, as we get older we become less naive..?
I agree with Carrley.
I think that we are afraid of change that we don't cause ourselves. Change without a purpose can be somemwhat frightening to us.
Ms. Kakos, that is a very good connection.
I also think that the "fallen monument" signfies the end of a era. It is not necessarily bad, its just a new beginning.
After Emily died, the towns people did not have anything to talk about too. That might seem like a bad thing for them, but i belive it was a good thing over all.
I dont know who said this in the inner circle but emily was the scapegoat in the society.
The fact that she is the center of the gossip is true. Since Emily lived to be so old, the suspicions about her lifestyle were passed down through generations.
Jberry- I think people are afraid to let go because we need something to relate to in this world, to almost protect ourselves from our fears. Also, we need something familiar to relate to, so we can hold on to our sanity in a world full of insanity.
Oh just kidding, I was confused when reading..
Jessica--I think it is saying that human nature is afraid of change. It's like instinct to want a normal cycle in life, and when something happens that doesn't fit in that cylce, it's a little uncomfortable. But something will always happen, you can't live an exact cycle.
I have a clarifying question, how long ago did Homer die or how old is Emily? Like how old must Homer's dead body look?
Miss Emily also seemed very opposed to change. When her father died, she refused to believe that he was dead, and kept his body in the house until she was forced to have him buried. Could the author's emphasis on the change in her hair color symbolize how change comes upon us whether we want it or not, and we cannot do anything to stop time and keep things the way they are.
Why is change negative? Why do can't we embrase the new. Is it more of the unknown that we are afraid of? Or, do people just become so accustomed to how things are?
jberry- I think that we judge people because we are afraid to judge ourselves and find the truth. I don't think we will ever stop because fear drives people and controls people.
Christa--I think that what Kakos just said makes sense, that when you are hiding something inside, it will eventually come out. Like appearance vs. reality, the appearance can't be kept up forever, soon the reality will show through. What do you think is inside her? Is she insane?
I understand that people want a normal life. But don't we as humans hate to be the same; don't alot of people want to create their own name for themselves. So, without change... that's not possible. Change is what allows people to be creative and to prosper and without it, we could be stuck back before there was laptops.. and we wouldn't have this live blogging today..hah
I understand that people want a normal life. But don't we as humans hate to be the same; don't alot of people want to create their own name for themselves. So, without change... that's not possible. Change is what allows people to be creative and to prosper and without it, we could be stuck back before there was laptops.. and we wouldn't have this live blogging today..hah
Jessica, i know this question was asked to carley, but it got me really interested.
I think we cannot embrace the new possiblities because people are very picky about the realities they accept.
Once something gets engraved in your brain, it is very hard to change that.
Jess--I think it is more of that we have gotten so used to the way things are and we like the way that things are going that we get frightened when things start to change. It's like we are afraid that we won't like whatever is changing and will lose everything that we have created and have to start from new.
Christa- I think that is exactly the point that the story is trying to make. She tried to control the difficult change of becoming fatherless when her dad died, but the change of growing old was still unavoidable.
So, you're saying that we judge those who have characteristics close to ours? That we don't want to see the good in people... because it makes us seem alot worse.
The basic rule of bullying... putting down others in order to make ourselves feel better.
I have a question- Why did the town remit her taxes? Was there a point to just stopping her taxes?
This society is so afraid of chnage that they are willing to jucge the "goodness" of a person based on how they look. do you think we today judge how good people are by how they look?
What you just said about how hiding something inside will eventually come out reminds me of the Tell Tale Heart in that the guy felt so guilty that he killed the old man with the evil eye that he could no longer keep it a secret and he could hear the heartbeat.
How did her father die? Do you think Emily had a part in it?
On the subject of lighthouse face, i think she is looking for people to save her, like searching for driftwood when you are drowning. She was trying to save herself from insanity and herself.
By pointing out the good in others you tend to focus on your own inner demons at the same time.
Then why do people commit crazy crimes and attrocities... why do we go to war? To make a point, to start change. I think that people just automatically put change into a bad category wihtout thinking about the possibilities of it.
To respond to Laura's question on the inner circle, I think yellow in this story is associated with age. White becomes yellowed with age, much as Emily's innocence becomes tainted by her unnatural relationships with men.
Going along with what they are talking about in the inner circle, is the yellow color really a color of protection? I remember in, The Village, the people would wear the yellow robes what they were guarding the village or when they went into the forest.
Tana--nice connection, I think it could almost relate to william Wilson too, that in the end he couldn't run from his conscience.
The taxes where put in places because of her dad but, I think wht they wanted her to pay them was a sign of the society's disapproval of her behavior, however; she refused to change.
I have a question for you... what kind of person creates change? What's the difference between good change and bad change? What characteristics make a person not afraid of change?
You honor the dead even if you hate the person.
Brynn, o god Yes. We are constantly judging people by their appeareace.
Not only by that, but they way they talk, the music they listen to, the people they spend time with.
So i belive that the society which emily lived in and the society we are living in today have not changed at all.
jberry- That’s exactly what i was thinking, but we judge people also completely different to raise our self up and makes us a "superior" human being? On the subject of bullying, did the village bully Emily or did Emily bully them?
Why do you think she never left the house? Was it a symbol of keeping a secret within?
I really like you're comment. It's interesting how people age like that. Do you think that it's almost as if the older you get the more you're exposed..? Wrinkles show from stress, you're skin loses its normality, you're hair turns grey..? The older a person is the more people know about them, the more chances they had to make a name for themselves.
That is also a good connection Maria. Do you think that this is a trend in gothic stories, in that you can't run away or hide your fears and secrets because it seems like everything that we have read so far all have hidden secrets.
damianl- I disagree because what about grave robbers that vandalize graves for money or revenge?
I think there is no specific PERSON that creates a change.
I think that change is created by a new thoguht, a new idea. A revelation.
I think a good change is the one where it benefits the society in general.
It follows moral rules and its ethnice.
A bad change is the one where a majoriy of people try to oporess the minorities' view point.
Like Hitler's trying to brain wash people about the Jews.
I belive that the person who can embrace the change are the ones who don't necesssarily know how deep the change can affect them.
Why do you guys thinkn that the black man stillstayed with her and kept her secret?
She could have been afraid of disapproval from the town. She couldn't bare to hurt any more than she already was.
Josh- You still pay the respects to them. The grave robbers are just doing some spring cleaning for the dead.
That is a really good point about how age reveals who a person really is. I never thought of it that way. Do you think that Miss Emily was afraid of the exposure of herself that would occur with age? Is that why she stayed in the house?
To respond to Brynn's question, I think that Emily stays inside her house because, as we see in "Fall of the House of Usher," we sometimes allow ourselves to be encapsulated/entombed by our repressed fears. I sound like Freud.
Personally, I think that she got the brunt end of the deal,she was constantly the topic of discussion and she felt so vulnerable. But, she also made it a point not to change their minds. She kind of instigated their opinions and kept their insinuations going. Also, she was so different from everyone else in the village it kind of supported the theory that she wasn't afraid to be different. is that why we judge? Because we don't want to be different?
So are you saying that Miss Emily was actually the victim in the story? And that the town influenced her to begin her lifestyle?
Sorry about the typos on that last one?
When you have a hard time with something today, you want to just stay at home, but Emily's town is so judgemental that if she did leave she would just get hurt more.
I agree with the hurt comment, but I also think that she was strong, even when the town was tearing her down with their gossip, she kept her head up; at least she did on the outside. Was she completely corrupt on the inside?
Not really damian they are decimating the dead and challenging people already dead to fight back in a mocking fashion.
I agree with you.Change is something that happens over time, but you could aslo argue that one person could prompt that change.
Do you guys think there is anything significant about the two cousins that they talk about all of the time? Or her great aunt who was crazy and the town thought that she and Emily were a lot alike?
Maddy--I think the black servant stayed out of duty to that family, even though it was probably really hard to live in that house. Because when he leaves, he leaves for good and never comes back, like he just wanted to be done.
Emily was always in the limelight. She was constantly the main topic of gossip and I think that she eventually became used to being vulnerable. I think that she just wanted keep away from all the gossip going on, to just let them talk. I think she gave up trying to prove herself to the village.
Jberry- Why should people change just because you are not conforming and you different from the norm? I think that gossip that makes the gossiper look foolish.
That is true, one person can prompt a change.
But do you think that a society will let a man do so?
Josh- Maybe they just want to pay their respects through seeing if they are really dead or not. How is it a challange to fight, they don't need their things when they're 6 feet under.
I agree with you alot, I'm just wondering.. what is moral to one person could be normal to another. So, what is moral and what isn't? Do you think that that can ever be determined?
That is a question i think our society will struggle forver.
Different cultures have different traditons and different values.
It goes back to "beauty lies in the eye of beholder" i belive.
But i think that thre is SOMETHING that is moral to all human being.
Like not killing each other, respecting people.
carr_ley_b said...
"Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative."
I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
JoshB901 said...
"jberry- I think that we judge people because we are afraid to judge ourselves and find the truth. I don't think we will ever stop because fear drives people and controls people."
I think that this only partly true. We judge at first because it is instinct. We need to be able to assess a situation and act appropriately. Sometimes we do so unfairly, but it is just natural. I don’t think that we judge out of fear for the same reason that as what josh said, but we judge out of fear because we don’t know what it is like and so we make our own information about the person or object.
carr_ley_b said...
"Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative."
I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
carr_ley_b said...
"Change is a negative thing, because we like things they way they are, or we would change it ourself. So change we dont control is negative."
I agree with this comment. Change is always negative unless you control it. But sometimes, spontaneous change will seem bad at first, but can turn out for the better. I also believe however, that change depends on your standpoint. During the industrialization period, change would be bad for the owners of the large companies but good for the workers. It all depends. I would also like to say that this comment and the following ones are for me making up this fishbowl.
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