What are three characteristics that would be part of a "perfect school" five years from now? Think about the roles of the student, teacher, and technology as you describe your ideal learning climate. As you consider this question, you might also think about what you might look for in your ideal college.
Please consider this question seriously and realistically, as your responses will form part of a presentation to the 21st century learning community of teachers this week.
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Im not quite sure what I would change in this school to greatly benefit everyone. If I were to shift it based on my own personal learning style it would have to become much more hands on. Activities used to teach in general. I would vie for smaller classes, a more attentive learning environment, where teachers kept up with all their students and had the time to help them improve.
My ideal school would consist of a single door, on the front it would say “ENTER” and the backside would say “EXIT”. There would be no building just a door in the middle of a beautiful area of nature which could spark ideas. It would put the learning in the students hands, they would teach themselves, things they want to learn, and better understand something if they can teach themselves. Also, they seek help when they need it, this could strengthen bonds between friends and would help advance thinking and learning into a new perspective. Also, this would rid students of stress because there are no more tests, grades, schedules, or demanding bells people could take what they learned and use it in the world. The world would live in harmony for why fight when beliefs and knowledge no longer clashes, people could free them from negative emotions, creating an entirely different species of understanding beings.
An ideal school for me would have everything computerized and online. Grades would also be on a pass fail basis, and decided by how well you understand at the end of semester o year, how much you learned and how well you did on projects. All classes should be much more discussion based, but with no point value assigned to discussions. More class options should be offered and classes should not meet everyday to make more room for other classes. This would let the student explore what they want and get a better feel for themselves and what they want to do. For instance, a German or European history class should be offered. Also, it should be more like college, in both the physical layout of classrooms and teaching material.
1.School would start an hour later, because we function better if we have sleep. Time for sleep should not be sacrificed for more time to practice for sports after school. School is about academics and student improvement, not sports. However, if sports and other activities could fit into this later schedule then that is great.
2.I also think that classes would be longer, but have fewer classes a day. This would entail more focus on one subject, instead of students being whisked away to another class right when they finally understand something.
3.Finals would not be considered so important. They are important, but I think that it would be beneficial for the students if the finals were worth less points. A person’s grade should not depend on one test over a semester’s worth of learning. This causes more stress on students and teachers, and students would probably do better if there was less stress put on finals.
Just my thoughts
In my ideal world, Arapahoe High School would be changed in many ways. For instance, I would change the curriculum requirements so it is easier to focus on one area of interest, instead of being forced to focus on many different subjects equally. I also would love to have a more pleasant learning environment. This would include repainting the dull off-white walls a more interesting color and allowing more time for outside learning. It would also help me if we had more field trips to make it easier for me to connect what we are learning to the real world. Essentially, I want more options. If I know I will never use Chemistry in my career, I want the option to take a redesigned class that would give me more time to focus on subjects I am more interested in. Then, I want to be able to go more in depth on subjects I want to study. This could mean incorporating independent study programs, internships, or even field trips. If I am spending 30 hours a week in a building, I want to make my time productive and worth while.
Well, I really like the idea of having computers or more technology in the classrooms. It helps me I think, and there are a lot more ways to explore on the computer. One thing that might be nice is a longer lunch period so we can study more and have more time to relax. By the time I start to relax, the lunch period is almost over. All the teachers in the classroom should have experience, but should not just do the same old thing everyday, like lecture (yuck!). They should do activities that engage us, but not make us feel like 4 year olds. The teachers should really get to know the students and maybe there could be a program, if students wanted to participate, that could get some personal time with their teacher. And, of course, you should cut back on the homework and the heavy textbooks! Overall, Arapahoe is a great school and there is a lot of stuff that is wonderful about it. I think it is the ideal school.
The ideal college that I would prefer to attend in five years would consist of many different aspects. It would include a nice setting, somewhere were I can ski, and go to the beach. Somewhere where sunlight is abundant and rain is somewhat scarce. The college its self will have smaller classes; there will not be a large city around the college yet rather a smaller satellite city. It will have an Air Force ROTC program and a close to it an air field. I will be majoring in aerospace engineering, and will have one sweet ride. The teaching philosophy of this school is not learn to study, but trial by error. It will use available technology to enhance the learning abilities of its students. There will also be a sports program at the school that allows students to focus on athletics as well as studies.
Love- Collin
Five years from now, I would like to see regular textbooks put online so that they don't have to be carried everywhere. I hate having to carry around bulky and heavy books to every class. I think that if we had laptops in each class that we would be able to access the book from there. I find the laptops to be extremely beneficial for doing my class work and using internet resources to look up the topics that I don’t understand in class. I would like to see more field trips. I always liked going to the museums in elementary school, it was cool to have hands on learning for different subjects. I would like to see more of the teachers using their teacher web pages for the benefit of the student. I find myself in situations when I don’t know my homework for the night and some teachers update their pages and others don’t use them at all. I would like to see a little different structure in some of my classes. I really enjoy English class because we have the freedom of using laptops and the lessons vary structure from day to day. I also love having discussions and letting students teach other students. I find that I learn more from my classmates than from my teachers. I believe that it is because students can connect better with other students than teachers can. I think that it would be awesome if we could have more outdoor classrooms so that students can be outside getting fresh air along with learning. I would love to be outside more, I don’t like being kept inside all day long. In an ideal school, homework would not be so important. What students learn in the classroom should be enough and we shouldn’t have to spend all night going over the same ideas that we are taught in class. I also think that in the most ideal school that grades would be less important and what the students actually learn should be emphasized.
The Perfect School? Wow. That’s a tough question. How would could you make school perfect when half the time you don’t even want to be there? My “perfect school” would probably start around 10 o’clock. I operate a lot better if I can get in a few extra hours of sleep and it’s later in the day. Also all of the classrooms would have laptops. I really enjoy laptop classes because it allows you to learn some things on your own and you can do so much more with the laptops. I would also have more classes available for the students. Classes like dance, (not social dance but actual dance) and anything really. This way you can try classes that you are interested in and then be able to decide if you are interested in the field or not. That would be my “perfect school”.
The ideal school would involve a day starting a little later. Even the day beginning at 7:45 would make all the difference as I feel that I can not actually be attentive in class until 8:30. I would also like to see a change in scenery. Meaning that class should be held in different places, and field trips should be reinstated. Anything that changes your point of view, prevents boredom and actually make you want to learn and participate in class. To me routine is boredom. These are all possible changes that could be made including the idea of having everything hands-on, though we do have several resources available here at school why not make that an endless amount. By putting lap tops in every room for those students who wish to use one and a “lab” set aside for every class where you could do more hands on exercises. Personally lab makes all the difference in Chemistry and I understand what we are learning and more importantly what we learning it after going to lab.
In five years, my 'perfect school' would be like this; the school would be entirely based around the laptops, class sizes would be significantly smaller, and paper would be completely eliminated.
However, the laptop situation would only be altered a bit. Every student would receive a laptop to be taken from class to class each day, and then home at the end of the day. Using the laptops will help advance resources and expand what we are able to learn in class.
Class size would be around 20, 25 at the very most. A smaller class makes for more individual attention for each student and, therefore, can help the student more with what they are personally struggling with.
Eliminating paper will not only keep things more organized, but help the environment as well. Paper is used too often in our school anyways, so getting rid of it and making everything occur through the computer we will be saving money, helping the environment, and lifting a large burden off of the school.
My “perfect school” would be one that started around 10 o’clock each day. Personally I perform so much better when I get some sleep. I would not be exhausted all day and could have energy to participate in my class activities. I would also love to use laptops in all of my classes with my teacher’s notes online and activities that involve the internet. I would love to be able to jot notes down on my laptop. It would be ideal for each of my classes to be longer and less classes in a day. I feel like I am always being rushed in all of my classes. We would be able to get much more work done and I would learn more from my teachers. I would spend more time on my work and make sure it is good quality.
Five years from now, the perfect school would have laptop capability in all classes. Everything would be online. Class days would start at 8, stop for an hour at lunch, and go back later for a couple hours. This would help because of the difficulty of getting up early each morning. Teachers would be approachable through off periods. Students should have as many common off hours with their teachers as possible. Off hours would occur at least once daily. And passing periods would be 10 minutes instead of 5.
1.I would like smaller classes because it is easier for everyone to listen, participate, and interact with less people. In a class with 30 people, it is not possible for everyone to ask questions or make comments and still get everything done. With smaller classes there are also fewer distractions.
2.Less lecture time and more interaction/discovery would be a great thing. I get bored of lectures after about 2 minutes and start to concentrate on everything but the lecture. A lot of times it is easier to learn things when you research and find out things for yourself.
3.In terms of technology, I like having a computer in English, but there is such a thing as staring at a screen for too long. It would be nice to split it up about 50/50 in terms of when we use technology/computers and when we do other things.
4.More free time to hang out and get away from bombarding my brain would be good.
My ideal school would be based more on technology. I think that all classrooms should be laptop classrooms so that the students can utilize their resources better. I think that our classes should be more spread out throughout the week so that way we will have more time in our core classes. Our harder classes that we have everyday right now should be Monday Wednesday Friday and our electives and easier classes that we need less hours of should be just Tuesday Thursday. This way we will hopefully have more time in our core classes and get more learning done. Also this would allow the students to have two nights at least after every class to do the assignment and get prepared for the next class. We should have a smaller amount of students in every class so that the students can learn the most possible and master the course and skill, or maybe consider having a main teacher for a class and a helper teacher for the larger classes.
The perfect school:
1. Each student has their own computer tablet with excellent wireless access and drop boxes so all assignments can be completely paperless. The technology greatly enhances learning, while also conserving the environment. The tablets could be wireless, as long as there are plenty of charging outlets in each classroom.
2. The set up of the school should be student friendly, with short hallways that are all connected. The school would be more complex, but with signs showing where everything is located, students wouldn’t get lost. This would cut down on travel time between classes and allow more learning time and efficiency.
3. Schools should be connected to each other online. Middle schools, high schools, and even colleges should be collaborating, sharing and editing each others’ work. This way, the world would be connected and a student in Denver, Colorado could be communicating with a student in maybe China or India. We could teach each other and learn a great deal from a different culture’s point of view.
I think technology should play a huge part in the future of the school because it is the future. I think that when students enter high school they should get a lab top computer. That computer would last each student for all four years. I also think that all text books should be online and all notes should be online so there are no binders or really any paper. I also think classes should have more school trips to really explore what is out in the world. For example we could go see a movie or a documentary that is relevant to what we are studying. Or we could take a trip to Europe if we are studying the history of Europe. I think trips would really help to make the history come to life and help students see how the topics that are learned in school can be relevant in the real world. I also think that Arapahoe should have a career day or career week when students are a junior or senior they could really see the type of job they would like to do when they are older.
Arapahoe High School is a great school. I love the friendly atmosphere and I can confidently say that many of us find this school like a second home.
If there were three characteristics that I would change about the school would be:
1. Creativity
a. Much of our school is based on tradition. We have a teacher stand up in front of the class and talk; excepting us to seep it all in. The truth, however, is that we not only don’t obtain all the information, but what is said goes through one ear and out the other.
b. By creating new ways of learning students actually want to come to class. The laptops are an amazing way for us to not only learn a lot more; but also allows us to be excited and passionate about what we are doing. Outdoor activities, and on the spot activities keep us on task and dedicated.
2. Lunch
a. I’m not the only one who can complain about our lunch schedule. Having such a short lunch time doesn’t give us enough of a break. We want to be able to sit down and actually eat our food and have a little time with our friends. The lunch we have now doesn’t let us do that. Every day we walk to a store and immediately walk back, eating as we go. Even if we lengthened the day only ten minutes I think it would be beneficial to all of us.
3. Student Capability
a. AHS is normally pretty good at incorporating student’s needs into the school; but, there still is a certain discrepancy in where a student should be placed in a class. For those who are a little more advanced and enjoy school become frustrated when they are stuck in an average class that doesn’t excel as much as expected. Also, those who are in the average classes but want to become more responsible and try to move into advance classes cannot move up because of one slip up like a grade in middle school. This school supports those who score high on SATs, ACTs, and CSAPS; they also are very good with those with special needs, the only improvement could be the in between. Attention could be added to the average kids as well.
My ideal school would be a lot similar to Arapahoe today, but with a few changes. I really love having laptop classes, and would definitely want to continue with that. However, maybe, because all classes would be laptop oriented, each student could just have a laptop supplied for them, and the students would just keep their laptops with them throughout the day. I really love the way laptop classes are set-up, with some lecture and note-taking, but also the ability to research topics further. It also saves a lot of paper, because everything doesn’t need to be printed. I would get rid of all of the paper!
I also really love discussion classes. It feels like a much more open, inviting environment when everyone in the class can talk and share their views. I love my English class because when we discuss, our class feels closer and it seems like everyone knows each other a lot better. Even just the way the classroom is set up, like in C-11, with a horseshoe. I also would like smaller class size, so that it would be easier for everyone to be heard.
I love the way our schedules are set up at this school! I love having plenty of time to get my homework done, and off-hours, because sometimes, when you have every class every day, it seems like you are getting pounded with information, and it really becomes difficult to remember. It also gives you a lot of needed opportunities to talk to teachers.
The ideal school would have field trips, more exotic electives like the study of the coffee bean, the origins of names, how to train monkeys (to carry your books), lost traditions, ect. Also that High School would start later, like 8:00, 8:30, or 9:00. 9:00 sounds like a great time to start. Every kid would have an electric shopping cart to get places faster. Also ICA WOULD NOT BE A REQURIMENT!!!!!!
1. Discussion-based classrooms are ideal for English classes, where students discuss and the teacher still guides them. Math classes are easier when the teacher drives the class, but I love being able to talk to the people next to me (about math...) because it’s very helpful to check answers quickly with the person next to you, and I know I am more comfortable when I know I’m doing everything right.
2. Longer lunch, so there is more time to get organized, get food, and eat it at less than light speed. Eating slowly is healthy, because you can tell when you’re full before you overeat, and with a longer lunch you have more time to catch up on work or conference with a teacher who has no off hours with you.
3. Cleaner bathrooms. Enough said.
I feel like all of the good things about school are often over looked or ignored because of the pressures that school brings. Eliminating those pressures, like homework, and creating class environments where the students want to be involved and in class would make school so much better. I think that there should be fewer classes in a day and have those classes be longer so we can work on what the homework would have been. Homework is something that can ruin a class and I’m not saying that we should do less work, but just do that same work at a different time and place. I also would like to eliminate lecture classes. They don’t do anything, but create anxiety when tests roll around. I know that most of it is to cover curriculum, but maybe that means that the curriculum needs to be changed, and we should be more focused on how the facts are going to help us and not how many pages of notes of them can you copy down.
I think having laptops are a great way to change these types of classes. They offer so much more interaction and creativity to be used. Even when I was copying down notes on a laptop, I felt much better about it than when I did on paper because it was so much easier to organize and add my own interpretations and ideas because it is so much faster. Being hands on and more interactive can change a lot about my feelings toward and participation in school.
My idea of the "perfect school":
1. The school should hold more activities that involve the WHOLE school so that we have more class unity. Examples being other assemblies, “special” weeks like spirit week, etc. These make even the hard times of year fun, and spur more school spirit.
2. More LINK interacting with the freshman to get the freshmen to adapt to the Arapahoe High School environment more quickly.
3. A stronger Foreign Language Department. Instead of the traditional text book reading and memorizing vocabulary, the school would have new and improved ways to learn the culture of the language they are learning to speak. More emphasis would be put on SPEAKING and correct pronunciation. Stations could be instituted in rooms in which a "listen and repeat" type system would take place.
One big change I would add to Arapahoe to make the “perfect school” is the time schedule of the day. It is so hard to focus in a lot of my classes because we simply do not get enough sleep. After all of my after school activities, then finally I get to start my homework, and on a normal night I do not get to sleep until late. Then I have to wake up early to get ready for school starting at 7:21. If classes started even an hour or two later, it would allow for students to either sleep in or to finish homework in the morning and go to sleep earlier.
Another change I would add to the “perfect school” would to provide a different learning environment. Often attending class after class in the same settings is extremely exhausting. Even the little change from single desks to tables that allow for collaboration help my regain focus. For example, my English class with the lap tops just gives a different set up and makes the class seem different then all my others and helps me to stay focus at the end of the day.
I think my ideal school would have smaller classes. I really like classes where everyone knows each other and where the teacher not only knows the names of all of their students, but also knows their students personally. I think I learn better in smaller environments and am not afraid to ask questions or contribute to discussions in a smaller class. Aside from other things that don’t exactly matter to my education and learning style, like wanting a longer lunch period, I am pretty satisfied. I like the block schedule because it gives me more time to do my homework for those classes that are only on Tuesdays and Thursdays or only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, for some classes I feel like we need longer periods to cram all of the material in. In English, for example, it feels like we never have enough time to fully discuss everything, and in Math, I think it would be nice to have more time to work and to ask questions about the homework. Also, it would be my personal preference that less P.E. credits be required. I am athletic and ran on Varsity cross country, but I really don’t like P.E. classes, and I think it is strange that more P.E. credits are required than in the Arts. I maintain my physical fitness on my own time, and feel that P.E. classes do little in keeping me healthy. I also do not think it fair that students are graded on their athletic ability, because it varies for everyone. I think my time would be much better spent in taking an art class. Other than these small issues, I don’t think that Arapahoe has any real problems that need to be fixed immediately, and am pretty content with what is happening in my education for the moment. I don’t think that the school will ever be able to fulfill all of my wants and needs because they are so specific and minute, but I think that things such as having smaller classes would benefit the majority of the students at Arapahoe.
Well, I didn't realise that there was only supposed to be three improvements. So, in the future, 3 is equal to seven. Trust me.
1.People who clearly do not care about school should not be allowed. It is a waste of time, energy, and the districts money.
2.The school needs to be built larger, to accommodate the larger number of students. A modern school would encourage learning for the future. How cool would it be to have glass ceilings?
3.There would be no standard graduation credits. There would be a specified amount, which would lend itself to students learning what they feel best suits their plans for the future. Let’s face it: some people will never need to speak Spanish.
4.There is no such thing as deadlines. Screw it.
5.Incompetent teachers will be fired immediately, based on the student’s verdict.
6.There will be no crabby lunch ladies selling stale, overpriced, and lacking of nutritional value food. Food is free to students, because in the future, no money will be spent on Auxiliary Gyms that serve little purpose. See: putting lipstick on a pig.
7.Principals should have less authority in the school. One with too much power becomes cocky.
Well, there is no such thing as an ideal school. The best method is "Matrix" style: uploading information into the brain. Cool.
1. Discussion based-classes: Some information that I learn in my classes I feel is totally useless. There are some concepts and subjects that we are required to use. However, if my classes discuss the subject, their opinions, and questions, it makes it much more meaningful to me. I am able to remember the information much easier. This would also make the classes more interesting.
2. Smaller classes- I think that 20-30 students would be ideal. In big classes, I feel that it is very hard to ask questions, make comments, and concentrate. I prefer smaller classes because it creates a better learning environment.
3. New bathrooms- The bathrooms are gross. They are about 40 years old. It is definitely time for a replacement.
School is for learning purpose so I believe that it should strictly focus on that goal. No I don’t mean we have to do school work every moment of every day, but the activities that we do should lead into learning something new. I can pin point so many pointless activities that teacher force students to do that have to purpose. Also, I am a very fast paced and impatient person and I really dislike waiting. So I believe that students should be able to leave the classroom after they are done taking their final exams. It’s ridiculous how you have to wait for someone else to get done. This one is for Arapahoe High school only. There are too many students but not much space. I suggest that there should be more hallways and more was to get to your class on time. Since there are more hallways which obviously lead to more confusion for the incoming freshmen, the passing period should be extended to 7 minutes. This also cuts down class times but I personally believe that an hour long class, learning about nothing but one subject is plain boring. I also believe that teacher should give up the traditional notebook and pen note taking style. In today’s world, nothing can function without a good knowledge in computers, so having laptops in every class in very essential. Bathrooms in our school, smells horrible. The least one can do is put some air fresheners. Also, the cafeteria food is very unhealthy. There is nothing there but greasy pizza and French fires. I know we have the privilege to go off campus but not every one can juggle their time.
I think that my ideal school would include having each student owning a computer tablet that includes a strong wireless connection and every classroom would include a plethora of outlets, just in case the battery were to run low. This would decrease the amount of books and binders that we have to carry around. Also, I think that we should have two classes a day, but extra long. Therefore, we would get more done and not have to spend 6 + hours of homework night. Instead of having to rush through each subject we would be able to focus more on each study individually. Lunch hour should be lengthened as well to an hour. I think that a few subjects should be added as well. Our school should have different fields like in college so that we can get a feel for what we want to do later on in life. This idea could be expanded on much more, but it would take forever.
My ideal school
I think learning would be a lot better if it included more outdoor field trips, camping and trip planning. Activities like this are much more important to every career than many of the subject taught here. Planning trips would teach the importance of planning as well as good techniques for planning ahead. This would also teach group interaction. Studies have shown that nature helps to calm ADD kids as well as help everyone focus. Many kids today suffer from nature deficit disorder. Interaction with and in nature would also teach kids a respect for the earth and the importance of environmental conservation.
More group activities, assemblies, and class meetings would also be a great improvement. Team building activities would help to unite the school.
Another subject that I would like to bring up that the science department has no honors program. Not trying to sound conceited, as an honors kid in a regular chemistry class, I am scared for our future and becoming more unmotivated ass the days go on. In honors classes I am surrounded by highly talented and motivated people that all have a drive to succeed. In chemistry I am surrounded by unmotivated kids that, simply put, are slackers that don’t care about school, or their future, let alone the future of the world. At times it almost seems as though the teachers have stopped caring about the kids too; anything from allowing cell phone use to not caring about cheating. Some thing should be done to make sure that there are caring and compassionate teachers teaching non honors classes, not just honors classes. Although at times it seems like these kids have no future or hope, they can, it is just that the school system has given up on them. If the teachers are great and care about the subject then maybe, just maybe, the kids will care too. When all of the kids that don’t care about school are put together in a room it is like a black hole that sucks any interest in school that any one else might have had.
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