Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Live Blogging: The Awakening, Chapters 24-29



Anonymous said...

Although Edna kisses Arobin do you think she feels bad about it becasue of her husband or because of Robert?

saram said...

Is the blog working?

saram said...

Just kidding.

Laine G said...

What is the importance of Robert throughout the whole time she is with Arobin?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think it is so improtant that Edna actually says she loves Robert out loud?

erinl said...

I think that Edna kissed Arobin out of lust, it was an "in the moment" kind of a thing

maddyg said...

Its kind of strange that it is cloudy as she's being awakened, shouldn't it be enlightening her. Does this mean that Robert is essential to her awakening and it couldn't have been anyone else?

jessie w said...

I think she feels bad because of Robert. Edna could care less about her husband at this point, but she still feels drawn to Robert.

Anonymous said...

Sweta- I think that when she says she loves Robert out loud she is almost confessing and finallizing it to her self rather than her just debating it in her mind.

clewis said...

I think she says it out loud to reassure herself that she loves him. Sometimes you have to say those things out loud to make sure what you are saying is real.

Anonymous said...

I belive she feels bad because of Robert because she never really loved her husband. He was just...there...to have kids (I know that sounds bad, but I think thats the only purpose of her husband.)

Anonymous said...

dev...Personally I think she feels bad because of Robert. She had tried to break away from Leonce the entire book and to feel bad about what she was trying to do doesn't make sense, especially when another man she chose to love is in the picture.

saram said...

I think that saying it out loud has a ton more meaning than just thinking it or feeling it. Saying it out loud makes it more real.

Anonymous said...
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emilya said...

Dev-- I think she feels bad kssing himi because of Robert. Right after she kisses him she wonders what RObert would think.

clewis said...

Yeah Dev! Great minds think alike!:)

jessie w said...


I think it's so important that she vocalizes her love for Robert because that determines the level of love she has for Robert vs. how she feels about her husband or Arobin.

saram said...

I agree with Laura.
She's been acting like this towards her husband for the entire novel, so I don't think she really cares about him. But I think she cares about Robert because she loves him and she knows he loves her.

maddyg said...

I think she definitely is sad about kissing Arobin because she cries after it happens. Why does she do this while she still loves Robert? Will she dump him when Robert comes back?

brynnh said...

Dev- Edan might be upset about the kiss, because it was almost as if she could not hold her own. It seems like she needs a man, and that upsets her sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Sweta--I think that when Edna acutally says she loves Robert, it makes it sincere and a true feeling that isn't just rebellion from Leonce.

kaytlinr said...

I think that it is so important that Edna says she loves Robert, because she hasn't been able to say that she actually loves someone and truely mean it. So it's so different from anything that she has ever known and she likes it.

Anonymous said...

Dev and Clewis-
I agree with both of you guys. I think she said it out loud to be sure that she actually does feel that way.

Laine G said...

I think she feels bad about kissing Arobin because of Robert. I think at this point she has really stopped caring about her husband. She has realized that there are much better choices than an arranged marriage with an oppressive guy she didn't like.

Anonymous said...

yea I agree Maddy shouldn't it be light and beautiful now that she is seeing her self through a new light? Or does it mean that women are somewhat dependent on the men they love becasue they cannot be independent without them?

Tina L said...


at the beginning of chapter XXVIII Edna thinks "there was a dull pang of regret because it was not the kiss of love.."

(wow Christa JUST brought that up) but what I was going to say was that I was confused that she seems disappointed that she doesn't love Arobin. Wouldn't that just make MORE trouble for her.

tanal said...

I agree with Jessie on the kiss. I don't think that Edna thought of her husband when she kissed him but I do think that she thought of Robert. I think she regrets the kiss only because of Robert

brynnh said...

I think she says that she loves him out loud to prove to herself that she does. There is no going back now, and she can be confident in her thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Sweta- Yea I think that her husband was there for children but also to please society and the image that many women want and what Edna thought that she wanted

maddyg said...

Why do you think Leonce refuses to acknowledge the idea of Edna having another man? Why would he rather believe that she is sick?

car_l_e_y_benz said...

so....msr kakos kinda just said that cheating is ok, if you love the person, but shes loosing respect for edna because she cheated with somone eles? confused.

kaytlinr said...

I like your point, I thought about that too. However, do you think that maybe she is waiting for her husband?

car_l_e_y_benz said...

maddyg - i think leaonce doesnt know, i think he is so accostmed to being in complete control, and the thought never even crosses his mind

saram said...

I think if he acknowledged the fact the Edna could be with another man then I think he feels it's like he's giving up on their relationship. And as we learned earlier, the stereotype of this time is the perfect family when nothing goes wrong. So he doesn't want to be the one to go against the norm.

saram said...
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clewis said...

Why didn't Robert tell Edna that he is leaving?

emilya said...

maddyg-- I don't think hke refuses the idea there might be another man. I think it doesn't ever cross his mind and he doesn't think she would do that.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

i think robert is trying to escape edna by leaving, or escape his feelings for her...

tanal said...

I don't think that she said cheating was ok, I think that she lost respect for Edna when she first started cheating on her husband with Robert, but then the fact that Edna went and kissed a third guy, and only regrets it because it wasn't the guy she is cheating on with her husband...now thats wrong

jessie w said...

So after listening to Kakos, it makes me wonder if Edna really is in love. Does she honestly even know what love is?

Damian L. said...

Given all these opportunities at different men, is she being more lady like about her choices or more concubine-ish (for lack of a better word)? Is she acting more kid in a candy store or kid in a book store? More like a bull in a china shop or a man in a shoe store? In other words is she being cool and collected about it or more like a woman in a shoe store with her husband’s credit card? (Just a stereotype not my beliefs).

Tina L said...


I think that it just didn't occur to Leonce that Edna would do that. In a way I feel sorry for him because he's just so oblivious. There is a quote that says he never dreamed of scandal, when she bought the smaller house all he disapproved of was people thinking his family was out of money.

saram said...

I think part of the reason is because it would have been extremely hard for him to say goodbye. He knew what he needed to do and didn't want it to be harder than it already was.

Anonymous said...

Jessie...good question. how do you even define "true love"? does it just depend on the individual?

kaytlinr said...

i think that Robert didn't tell her that he was leaving because he realized that he was sending her the wrong message. He realized that she loved him and that scared him so he ran.

tanal said...

I don't think that Robert told Edna he was leaving because he wanted to stop and end his feelings for her and end the relationship that was going on between the two of them

car_l_e_y_benz said...

wait so she cheats once its ok, again and no guilt just guilt for cheatee numero 1 is bad? what???

car_l_e_y_benz said...



i think shes going alittle crazy, like a kid with his first beer.

jessie w said...


I definietly think it does depend on the individual. But it almost seems as if she's not mature enough to even comprehend what love is

Anonymous said...

I have come to the conclusion that Edna is trying to be more man-like to be independent, because when Edna is cleaning the house she is described as "splendid and robust, and had never appeared handsomer than in the old blue gown ..."(Chopin 114). I mean when is a woman ever described as handsome, only when she appears manlier than her female counterparts.

brynnh said...

Maddy- I think that he ignores the fact that she could love another man, because then the problems would be out in the open, and they would have to talk about it.

shaunam said...

I agree with that, but at the same time what if he didn't tell her because he didn't want to feel the pain?

tanal said...

Just the fact that she doesn't feel guilty because she cheated on her husband, but only feels guilty she cheated on Robert.

Anonymous said...

emilya- I defidentily agree with you, I don't think that Leonce thinks very hightly of his wife. He kind of thinks of her as like a little girl who doesn't understand and in some instinces she is but I also think that she has grown up a little when she awakened she is determined to not be swayed and determined to stand up for what she wants and not really care about the other people in her life.

endsleye said...

I think it is so important because she is also realizing it herself that she is in love with him. its like for rehab the first step is to admit you have a problem.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

laura f.

love or true love?

its diffrent for everyone obviously,
but im thinking love means devotion,
true love means love + inftuation/ obession.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

laura f.

love or true love?

its diffrent for everyone obviously,
but im thinking love means devotion,
true love means love + inftuation/ obession.

saram said...

I think that true love depends on the person. Everyone expresses it differently and feels differently.

Tina L said...


what with what Ms. Kakos said about the crush thing and all her capricious descisions I think she is kind of acting more like a kid. Maybe this ties in with the kids from way early on in the story. They kind of disappeared, so maybe once they did she was the one that was a kid.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

tana l.

o well i dont get it

car_l_e_y_benz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
endsleye said...

i think she feels bad about it because of Robert. She really doesnt like her husband and she loves Robert. So i think she might feel a little guilty. but not for what she should be feeling guilty for.

tanal said...


That's a very good point. Maybe Robert was just trying to get out of feeling the pain of leaving Edna, and things would have been a lot worse if he had to tell Edna and say goodbye

shaunam said...

Could this be because of the lack of feminine influence? Like said before, the author grew up with out a mother, so did she incoporate this into the book, decribing women with masculine qualities?

tanal said...

haha ok then never mind

tanal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

jessie w- yea it is almost like Edna is still a young kid who has realized her power but doen't really know what to do with it??

maddyg said...

Will Edna tell Robert her feelings when he comes back? Also, do you think that Robert possibly knows that Edna reads the letters? If he doesn't now, but found out, how do you think he would change what he writes?

car_l_e_y_benz said...

shauna, thats a cool idea.

Tina L said...


wow that is a good observation. Although do you think in the context of this book being man-like is being more independent? because there was also that part where she was the one that was up on the ladder because the "noral" female, Ellen, was too scared to climb up there and Joe was gone... so she's kind of wearing the pants.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

maddy g, i think if robert knew she was reading the letters he would drastically change what he wrot, he would seem happy, like he loves it there. i think edna will tell him....

Laine G said...

I think that Robert didn’t tell her that he was leaving because he didn’t really like her. Every year he picked a person to flirt with and hang around all summer. Because there are too many names in this book I forgot who it was, but the person he went after last summer told him that his love was a joke. She warned that no one should take him seriously and that it's dangerous because Edna might take him seriously. I think this is what happened. He was bored over the summer and just wanted to chase after some one. He was feeling lust/boredom so he perused her. This is similar to how she wants Arobin out of exploration and probably not love.

clewis said...

I think that it's very hard for her to tell him her feelings, but at this point she has done other things that are crazy and daring, but I think she will tell him.

saram said...

That's a REALLY good point. It seems like one of her masculine qualities is how she only wants lust. Nothing against guys, but stereotypes are usually showing how girls care about feelings and love and boys just kind of want to 'get some' haha. So maybe that's one of her more masculine qualities that's affecting her life.

endsleye said...

Of course Leonce is not going to acknowledge the idea of Edna having another man. If someone had a boyfriend or girlfriend you are not going to want to even think of the possibility of them having someone else. I think her being sick is the most rational answer for Leonce to think of.

car_l_e_y_benz said...


ever think robert left because he is afraid or leonce?
is leonce a hot shot in town?

emilya said...

maddy-- Do you think Robert will ever come back?

maddyg said...

Even though Collin's comment was gross, he makes a sort of good point. Does Edna love at all because we're not totally, completely for sure that she even loves Robert? Does her Dad have something to do with her lack of love?

car_l_e_y_benz said...


i think she a horn dog because shes never been in lust before. it seems all femine ideas can revert back to women taking on male qualites.

endsleye said...

I think that Robert knew that there was something that was growing between him and Edna and i think he wanted to try to save some pain by not telling her that he was leaving. Also it might have been harder for him to leave if they had a chance to talk about it.

brynnh said...

Carley- No I don't think Robert left because her felt threatened, but rather because he got bored with Edna.

Tina L said...

Kristen speaks words of wisdom.

which reminded me of an interesting part I wanted to talk about.

What is with the part where M. Reisz feels her shoulder blades to check the strength of her wings?

Anonymous said...

saram- yea I agree I studied Freudian and I almost Think that with the awakening the id or sexual part of the brain was awakened while all the other women in soceity keep their id undercontrol or suppressed becasue it is proper and part of soceity's standard.

shaunam said...

I think that if Robert ever comes back, it will prove that she truly loves her. But does she truly want him to come back? Or does she only want lust, not love?

car_l_e_y_benz said...



atleast one comment that isent a hopeless romantic "o he jus didnt want to hurt her, he loves her!"


maddyg said...

Emily- yes I do think he will come back, but I think it will be sort of like Enchanted and it won't end her problems, maybe it will even start more.

endsleye said...

I dont know if Edna will share her feelings with Robert. Because if you do share your feeling there is always that scared feeling because you are not sure if they share the same feelings. I also think that Robert has a general feeling that Edna has read the letter.

shaunam said...

Did he leave her cause he was bored, or did he do it to figure out if he truly loves her?

car_l_e_y_benz said...


m reiz.
i liked that part to, i thnk she knows edna is loosing control...spiraling in a way, and shes curious to see if she can recover after, or will become to consumed

jessie w said...

What is the significance with all of these different birds?

car_l_e_y_benz said...


kaytlinr said...

I don't think that Edna feels bad about kissing Arobin, because she wouldn't have kissed him if she knew she was going to feel bad.

car_l_e_y_benz said...

uh, birds, like flying, like escape.

Hannah S said...

I think that Edna said that she loved Robert out loud because she needed to hear it herself. She needed to remind herself that, although he has been gone awhile, she still loves him.
She feels bad about kissing Arobin because I guess that she sort of realizes that he is like her "rebound guy". After Robert leaves, she uses him for attention. She realizes that and feels ashamed of herself.
I think that Leonce does not realize this because he does not realize that it is possible that Edna could have feelings for someone else. He also has not been spending very much time with her so he does not realize that she is straying away from him.

krump said...

I think that because the whole book was about Edna finding her "wings" of awakening, Chopin used the bird imagry to illustrate that. The birds used in the beginning were in cages, but as the story went on and Edna discovered more and more liberty, the birds started to be wild ones in nature.

I don't think that Edna really knew what true love was, all she knew was the freedom of choosing who she wanted and what she wanted to do. Maybe that was what she fell in love with, and the fact that she could jump from man to man shows us that it wasn't truely love for Robert himself.

Like Maddy said, Leonce just says that Edna is sick, not in love with another man. I think this is because a sickness is a lot easier to cure and explain in society than the reality. I related this to The Yellow Wallpaper because, in that story, the woman's husband used her "sickness" to explain every problem she had until she finally crashed in on herself. Edna wasn't at the point of oppression that that lady was, but she was on her way.

One thing I thought was interesting was the Edna didn't feel guilty that she was cheating on her husband--only that she was cheating on Robert. I wonder if maybe this was because she loved the idea of being able to love Robert, but not Robert himself.

However, I think Robert truely did love Edna. He left because it would be bad for her to keep on becoming more and more free with him, and maybe by leaving, he hoped that she would return back to her normal life. It's a little ironic how his leaving did exacly the opposite of what he might have wanted it to, and he sure was shocked when he came back and saw the new, awakened Edna.


Alex_Manning said...

I wasn't here for this day, and Kakos, you said that I should come back and answer all these questions/

I think that Edna feels regret for kissing Arobin because of her self-convinced love for Robert, which I don't think he returns. He is an interesting character, in that he spends each summer with a separate person, and when he tells Edna that this summer may be different, it seems like filler for the novel. But then he acts on nothing. She feels physically drawn to Arobin, and that is why she kisses him. She has convinced herself that she loves Robert and that he loves her, but somewhere she knows to doubt herself.

At this point, I don't think that Edna understands nor feels any desire to understand love, because she thinks she has the subject down pat. To me, someone who claims to understand love has no grasp of the concept at all. Which means all you hopeless romantics out there are screwed. Love is to be appreciated, not conquered.

Like Ms. Kakos, I have lost respect for Edna as the novel progresses. Her maturity level has dwindled as her so called Awakening has flourished. And this just leads up to her suicide? How weak.

jessie w said...

I was also gone. I'll answer the same questions alex answered.

I agree that Edna regrets kissing Arobin, but she regrets it because Robert comes back finally. I think she maybe feels like she betrayed him although they never had a defined relationship. It's interesting just as Maria said that she didn't feel guilty for cheating on her husband; she felt bad for cheating on Robert.

I think she is only beginning to understand what love is. She's still very juvenile when it comes to love. That's illustrated especially when she describes why she loves Robert. It definitely sounds like a "puppy love" rather than actual, genuine love.

I didn't quite catch that she committed suicide at the end. That just must have been a mental thing on my part. That's definitely a disappointing end to a dramatic, grand awakening. She never grasped the concept of love. I think it shows that by committing suicide she was just thinking of herself and simply decided to give up if she couldn't have Robert. She needed to grow up, and honestly, Robert deserves a more mature woman than her.